Why isn't the Law of Attraction Working For Me?

If the Law of Attraction isn't working for you the way you'd like, this will help you.

First of all, let's get one thing very clear... The Law of Attraction ALWAYS works, for everybody. There is no way that it can't work! It's the way our reality is created... So if you believe it's not working for you then you're probably not doing it properly!

I read a quote today on Twitter from Steve Bennett (@Motivate051974) that said...

"We don't learn to manifest, we already manifest, we learn to focus!"

I have no idea if that's his quote or if it comes from somebody else, I hadn't seen it before, but when I read it I thought WOW! That's so true!

Focusing on what you want to create is paramount to your success with the Law of Attraction. But you need to focus in the right way.

In order to get the LoA to work for you there are a few 'rules' that you need to follow. 

1. You are constantly creating. Every second of every day.

If you want to create wealth and you speed 30 minutes a day saying positive wealth affirmations, and the rest of the day worrying about your bills then you are NOT creating wealth. You are creating lack of wealth. Because that's what you are focused on most often.

Think of your reality as being a manifestation of the average of your thoughts and feelings in any particular area.

2. Your feelings are much more important than your thoughts!

Let's imagine that manifesting something is based on a points system. Thinking about having money for 30 minutes gets you 10 points towards manifesting money. Thinking about not having money for 30 minutes takes those 10 points away.

However, if you think with emotion then you get a LOT more points. Worry IS an emotion. It's a powerful one. Thinking about having money without emotion will give you 10 points, but worrying about not having money will take away 100! Now you're at -90.

3. Do you really believe yourself?

Last October, my brother won £16,000 playing slots at a local casino. Pretty good right! He spent some of the money going on a cruise... (there was a casino on the cruise ship)... and while there he won another £16,000 from the slots! Exactly the same amount again! That's £32k in a couple of months, from playing slots!

Needless to say he's got the LoA working pretty well!

I've won all sorts of things with the help of the LoA but I've never been very successful on the slots. One day, I was at the casino playing slots and I was trying to focus on wining, doing affirmations in my head and visualising a big win dropping in. Then I realised something... I was playing minimum bet! Minimum bet meant that if I did win I'd only get a fraction of the jackpot. To scoop the lot I had to be on maximum bet.

So why was I on minimum? Because I didn't really believe I'd win! When I realised that I didn't even believe I was going to win I stopped playing.

I guess it's the same for everybody. There are some things that we believe we can achieve with the LoA and others that we struggle with. Until I can completely believe that I'll win on the slots, and confidently play maximum bet, I'll give them a miss. But I was pleased to find something to work on.

I thought I had winning down, I've won a car, several holidays, all kinds of gadgets and dozens of poker games with the LoA but I've just got a bit of a block on the slots. Now I've realised it's there I'll fix it :)

4. Manifest from your heart

This one goes a little deeper and it's something very few people even realise is a factor with the LoA.

Most people focus on what they desire intellectually. They think about it from their brain. The brain manifests from duality consciousness, so you get what you desire, but you also get its polar opposite.

Instead of thinking from the brain feel from the heart. The heart manifests from unity consciousness, so you get what you're focussed on without it's opposite showing up to ruin your day!

Of course... head or heart, you still need to spend more time (and emotion) focussed on what you want. Because worrying about not having it, wondering where it is, not believing it will work or focusing on the lack of it in your life is a manifestation.

5. Use your feelings as a guide

One of the greatest insights of the Abraham Teachings is your Emotional Guidance System. Very basically, if you feel good then you are attracting what you desire into your life. If you feel bad then you are pushing it away.

The more time you spend feeling good as you think about what you want the closer it gets to you. And, eventually, it'll show up in your life.

When you feel bad you push it away.

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